Episode 2 … Chicago hottie vs TikTok

Lets cover tik Tok in this episode , so this week a girl named Chicago hottie was on live , she has a business , a clothing line with her username on it ”Chicago hottie ” , that’s right here , Will she was on live reading threw her comments . A follower suggested she should make her shirts with other city’s , like Houston hottie , New York hottie , Atlanta hottie and more . Which had ms. hottie very angry making two tik toks talking about the situation asking why should she change her brand for her audience , ” saying she isn’t from these cities why would she put other cities on a shirt causing the whole Tik Tok to talk about this situation .

Letting others creators to take the idea causing ”ms hottie” to get even madder saying know everyone wants to take her idea and run with it . But when everyone was telling her to do it she didn’t . Do you think she has the right to be mad everyone is taking her brand or was she wrong for not giving everyone what they wanted .

episode 1 …. wigs

hey guys this is my first post on my blog , This blog post we will be talking about hair .Hair is what everyone can agree or disagree on , Hair is what makes or breaks an outfit , or just gives you a boost of confidence you never had before , for me hair is wear I’m able to express myself and just be able to do any color , style ,or length . That’s exactly why I love wigs im able to do what I want when I want and protect my natural hair ,its the best of both worlds , without damaging my hair but I’m currently damaging my pockets … IF this is your first wig you may want to stay in your budget ,don’t get a 500 dollar wig , if you know you can’t afford it be fr were in college girl ,or don’t really know how to uptain it and make sure everything stays perfect . I would suggest to start with synthetic wigs or wigs under or equal to 100 dollars .